The Global Trade System, or GTS for short, is a feature that allowed players to trade their Pokémon for a specified Pokémon of their choosing. The GTS is no longer in service and the listed commands no longer work.
By default, the player is allowed to list up to three Pokémon in the GTS. If the player has premium, they are allowed to list up to eight Pokémon. Additionally, for every GTS Token the player has, the number of Pokémon the player can list in the GTS increases by one.
When another player completes a trade listed in the GTS, the Pokémon they requested will not be automatically added to the listing player's dex. They must use the gtswithdraw
command to remove the traded Pokémon from the GTS.
When requesting a Pokémon on the GTS, that Pokémon's species, form, and shininess are recorded, rather than the requested Pokémon's ID. This ensures that the requested Pokémon does not change even when the Pokémon with the ID requested evolves or devolves.
Command |
gtscheck |
Checks which Pokémon are on your GTS account.
gtsdeposit [id] [request] |
Deposits your Pokémon with ID [id] , hoping to trade it for the Pokémon with ID [request] or a Pokémon of the same species, form, and shininess.
gtssearch [species] |
Searches for Pokémon of this species, either by name or Pokédex number, currently awaiting a trade in the GTS.
gtstrade [id] [gtsid] |
Trades your Pokémon with ID [id] with the Pokémon with ID [gtsid] currently awaiting a trade in the GTS.
gtswithdraw [id] |
Withdraws your Pokémon with ID [id] from the GTS.