Ultra Rare
Catching, Evo Candy (Monferno)
Discovered By:
Infernape is a Pokémon introduced in Generation IV (Sinnoh).
It evolves from Monferno when given an Evo Candy. It is the final evolved form of Chimchar.
There is a chance that Infernape will be reverted into Monferno when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3.
Discoverer’s Dex Entry
By focusing all of their energy and power, Infernape are able to intensify the flames on their head to intimidate enemies and increase their fighting prowess. Legend has it that an Infernape of great power is capable of conjuring blue flames and ascending to the heavens.
Other forms