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Emboar #500
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Obtaining: Catching, Evo Candy (Pignite)
Discovered By: parissong

Emboar is a Pokémon introduced in Generation V (Unova).

It evolves from Pignite when given an Evo Candy. It is the final evolved form of Tepig.

There is a chance that Emboar will be reverted into Pignite when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3.

Discoverer's Dex Entry

Emboar is frequently used in the Unova region as a sign of friendship. It is a common tradition to give a close friend or group of friends Emboar-shaped cookies to represent friendliness and company. This practice has spread to other regions as well, prompting a recent trend in Emboar-shaped pastries and goods.

Other forms