ID |
Date |
Pokémon |
Class |
Original Trainer |
Image |
64000 |
March 31, 2020 |
Jirachi |
None |
_chillie_ |
Given by Saphir for being the first to complete the Johto Dex
64475 |
April 2, 2020 |
Magikarp (Standard Form) |
None |
shielddoespixels |
64566 |
April 3, 2020 |
Donphan |
E |
agent2583 |
64644 |
April 3, 2020 |
Donphan |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
64705 |
April 4, 2020 |
Bulbasaur (Normal Form) |
F |
parissong |
65049 |
April 7, 2020 |
Vespiquen |
F |
ploo_ |
65134 |
April 7, 2020 |
Haunter |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
65217 |
April 8, 2020 |
Glaceon |
F |
_chillie_ |
65453 |
April 7, 2020 |
Haunter |
F |
_chillie_ |
Given by Saph after the missatribution of 65134
65802 |
April 13, 2020 |
Unfezant (Female Form) |
F |
_chillie_ |
65915 |
April 16, 2020 |
Umbreon |
F |
danielcm |
65995 |
April 16, 2020 |
Bouffalant |
D |
.0.blarg.0. |
66082 |
April 16, 2020 |
Purrloin |
F |
ploo_ |
66243 |
April 18, 2020 |
Lopunny |
F |
quasthecat |
66392 |
April 19, 2020 |
Miltank (Zachie's Special Form) |
None |
zachieblade |
Given as a gift from Saph
66572 |
April 20, 2020 |
Gallade |
E |
ploo_ |
66762 |
April 21, 2020 |
Lampent |
F |
c.kilgannon#2909 |
66907 |
April 22, 2020 |
Charizard (Elaria Form) |
F |
shielddoespixels |
67284 |
April 25, 2020 |
Shiftry |
F |
ploo_ |
67470 |
April 26, 2020 |
Primeape |
F |
Drafon(Chimchar Form)#8586 |
67592 |
April 27, 2020 |
Totodile |
F |
brad2096 |
67767 |
April 28, 2020 |
Klinklang |
F |
danielcm |
67846 |
April 29, 2020 |
Diglett (Normal Form) |
F |
rainami_chan |
Evolved into Dugtrio
68198 |
May 02, 2020 |
Lumineon |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
68510 |
May 03, 2020 |
Seviper |
F |
Just_A_Simp#9543 |
68643 |
May 04, 2020 |
Numel |
F |
d3nkrai |
Evolved into Camerupt
68775 |
May 05, 2020 |
Aggron |
E |
_chillie_ |
68779 |
May 05, 2020 |
Lillipup (Link's Special Form) |
None |
linktheheroofwinds |
Given as a gift from Saph
68819 |
May 05, 2020 |
Masquerain |
F |
jlaplant |
68849 |
May 06, 2020 |
Delibird |
D |
rogue.warrior |
69063 |
May 07, 2020 |
Mandibuzz |
E |
linktheheroofwinds |
69110 |
May 07, 2020 |
Gabite |
E |
ploo_ |
69125 |
May 07, 2020 |
Nidorina |
E |
ploo_ |
69189 |
May 07, 2020 |
Nidorina |
E |
linktheheroofwinds |
Given by Saph after the misattribution of 69125
69324 |
May 08, 2020 |
Poochyena |
E |
_chillie_ |
69352 |
May 08, 2020 |
Drapion |
D |
_chillie_ |
69527 |
May 09, 2020 |
Nidoran♀ |
F |
_chillie_ |
70337 |
May 15, 2020 |
Axew |
F |
max1996 |
70603 |
May 16, 2020 |
Marowak (Normal Form) |
F |
Umbre#7109 |
70989 |
May 19, 2020 |
Diglett (Alola Form) |
E |
audrawr. |
71145 |
May 15, 2020 |
Axew |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
Given by Saph after the misattribution of 70337; evolved into Fraxure
71202 |
May 21, 2020 |
Muk (Alola Form) |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
71209 |
May 21, 2020 |
Spearow |
D |
ploo_ |
71443 |
May 21, 2020 |
Furret |
E |
audrawr. |
71469 |
May 21, 2020 |
Muk (Alola Form) |
F |
herbie.53 |
Given by Saph after the misattribution of 71202; devolved into Grimer (Alola Form)
71502 |
May 22, 2020 |
Bulbasaur (Elaria Form) |
None |
quasthecat |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Generation V Bulbasaur
71618 |
May 23, 2020 |
Bibarel |
F |
ploo_ |
71682 |
May 24, 2020 |
Klinklang |
E |
parissong |
71694 |
May 24, 2020 |
Houndoom |
F |
max1996 |
71715 |
May 24, 2020 |
Corsola |
D |
audrawr. |
72378 |
May 28, 2020 |
Cherubi (Overcast Form) |
F |
_chillie_ |
72635 |
May 30, 2020 |
Rhydon |
E |
_chillie_ |
72816 |
May 31, 2020 |
Oddish |
F |
quasthecat |
73307 |
June 3, 2020 |
Swinub |
F |
max1996 |
73858 |
June 7, 2020 |
Cloyster |
E |
max1996 |
74368 |
June 10, 2020 |
Venonat |
F |
parissong |
74516 |
June 11, 2020 |
Phanpy |
F |
kenderdragon |
75291 |
June 14, 2020 |
Flareon (Shiro's Special Form) |
None |
shiro7267 |
Given as a gift from Saph
75291 |
June 16, 2020 |
Togekiss |
D |
jlaplant |
72635 |
June 19, 2020 |
Honchkrow |
F |
_chillie_ |
75686 |
June 19, 2020 |
Cloyster |
B |
_chillie_ |
75985 |
June 21, 2020 |
Growlithe |
F |
Predap#7843 |
76497 |
June 24, 2020 |
Starly |
F |
quasthecat |
76513 |
June 24, 2020 |
Finneon |
F |
max1996 |
76553 |
June 24, 2020 |
Stantler (Normal Form) |
F |
ploo_ |
76562 |
June 24, 2020 |
Shaymin (Sky Form) |
None |
_chillie_ |
Given as a gift from Saph for serving as one of Tilia's Moderators
76563 |
June 24, 2020 |
Shaymin (Sky Form) |
None |
brad2096 |
Given as a gift from Saph for serving as one of Tilia's Moderators
76567 |
June 24, 2020 |
Shaymin (Sky Form) |
None |
chandra_nalaa |
Given as a gift from Saph for serving as one of Tilia's Moderators
76653 |
June 25, 2020 |
Gulpin |
F |
_chillie_ |
76689 |
June 25, 2020 |
Nidorina |
F |
jlaplant |
76823 |
June 26, 2020 |
Gallade |
None |
max1996 |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Generation V Gallade
76989 |
June 27, 2020 |
Buneary |
F |
zachieblade |
Evolved into Lopunny
78663 |
July 8, 2020 |
Rufflet |
C |
danielcm |
Obtained with the Shiny Charm
79042 |
July 10, 2020 |
Slaking |
F |
shielddoespixels |
Devolved into Slakoth
79071 |
July 11, 2020 |
Carnivine |
F |
ploo_ |
79513 |
July 13, 202 |
Gothita |
F |
brad2096 |
79796 |
July 15, 2020 |
Skiploom |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
80046 |
July 16, 2020 |
Wailord |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
80341 |
July 18, 2020 |
Bibarel |
None |
Umbre#7109 |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Generation V Bibarel Devolved into Bidoof
80342 |
July 18, 2020 |
Politoed |
None |
.0.blarg.0. |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Generation V Politoed
80611 |
July 20, 2020 |
Seviper |
F |
Vulpix037#0537 |
80729 |
July 21, 2020 |
Gallade |
E |
danielcm |
Obtained with the Shiny Charm
81267 |
July 25, 2020 |
Ursaring (Elaria Form) |
F |
_chillie_ |
81406 |
July 26, 2020 |
Altaria |
None |
parissong |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Generation V Altaria
81411 |
July 26, 2020 |
Hydreigon |
None |
silvpokkii |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Class A or Above Pokemon
81629 |
July 28, 2020 |
Slowpoke |
F |
danielcm |
Evolved into Slowbro
82095 |
August 1, 2020 |
Poliwrath |
C |
megapod |
Devolved into Poliwhirl
82162 |
August 2, 2020 |
Magcargo |
F |
ploo_ |
82272 |
August 3, 2020 |
Bonsly |
F |
danielcm |
Obtained with the Shiny Charm
82630 |
August 6, 2020 |
Pansage |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
82627 |
August 6, 2020 |
Darumaka |
F |
shielddoespixels |
82857 |
August 8, 2020 |
Scizor (Normal Form) |
None |
mr.negative17 |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Gen V Scizor
82858 |
August 8, 2020 |
Lanturn |
None |
bananacupcake |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Gen V Lanturn
82859 |
August 8, 2020 |
Machamp |
None |
yash_sonbhurra |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Gen V Machamp
82871 |
August 8, 2020 |
Lileep |
F |
shielddoespixels |
82906 |
August 8, 2020 |
Seel |
E |
jlaplant |
82959 |
August 9, 2020 |
Jellicent |
F |
herbie.53 |
82970 |
August 9, 2020 |
Seviper |
F |
ploo_ |
83016 |
August 10, 2020 |
Fearow |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
83085 |
August 10, 2020 |
Amoonguss |
D |
danielcm |
83136 |
August 11, 2020 |
Mantine |
E |
danielcm |
83257 |
August 12, 2020 |
Glameow |
E |
kingofsparta39 |
83301 |
August 13, 2020 |
Poliwhirl |
F |
yash_sonbhurra |
83342 |
August 13, 2020 |
Seedot |
F |
sirjay07 |
83447 |
August 14, 2020 |
Cleffa |
F |
shielddoespixels |
83545 |
August 14, 2020 |
Kakuna |
F |
ploo_ |
83628 |
August 15, 2020 |
Pachirisu |
E |
max1996 |
83721 |
August 16, 2020 |
Swampert |
F |
brad2096 |
83942 |
August 18, 2020 |
Foongus |
F |
ploo_ |
83968 |
August 18, 2020 |
Wailord |
F |
_zomi_ |
84043 |
August 18, 2020 |
Lillipup (Normal Form) |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
84045 |
August 18, 2020 |
Shuckle |
F |
ploo_ |
84064 |
August 18, 2020 |
Nidoqueen |
F |
ploo_ |
84231 |
August 19, 2020 |
Bulbasaur (Rainbow Form) |
None |
c.kilgannon#2909 |
84239 |
August 19, 2020 |
Kingler |
F |
c.kilgannon#2909 |
84410 |
August 19, 2020 |
Palpitoad |
F |
megapod |
Obtained with the Shiny Charm, evolved into Seismitoad
84569 |
August 20, 2020 |
Houndoom |
F |
ploo_ |
84843 |
August 22, 2020 |
Elekid |
E |
jlaplant |
84952 |
August 23, 2020 |
Charmeleon (Kender's Special Form) |
None |
kenderdragon |
Given as a gift from Saph
84960 |
August 23, 2020 |
Crawdaunt |
F |
parissong |
84996 |
August 24, 2020 |
Bibarel |
E |
ploo_ |
Devolved into Bidoof |
85148 |
August 25, 2020 |
Gorebyss |
F |
sirjay07 |
85277 |
August 27, 2020 |
Lickitung |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
85330 |
August 28, 2020 |
Excadrill |
F |
max1996 |
85432 |
August 29, 2020 |
Crobat |
F |
ht14#4572 |
85520 |
August 30, 2020 |
Cleffa |
F |
shielddoespixels |
85658 |
September 1, 2020 |
Crawdaunt |
F |
max1996 |
85678 |
September 1, 2020 |
Masquerain |
F |
Jayme#9130 |
85705 |
September 1, 2020 |
Chimchar |
F |
sirjay07 |
85873 |
September 2, 2020 |
Surskit |
F |
.0.blarg.0. |
86145 |
September 5, 2020 |
Sandshrew (Alola Form) |
F |
silvpokkii |
86183 |
September 5, 2020 |
Skitty |
None |
CyanideCrystal#1404 |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Gen V Skitty
86184 |
September 5, 2020 |
Muk (Normal Form) |
None |
auxillify |
Given by Saph for collecting 50 Gen V Muk, devolved into Grimer
86391 |
September 7, 2020 |
Umbreon |
F |
rogue.warrior |
86625 |
September 10, 2020 |
Sentret |
D |
danielcm |
Obtained with Shiny Charm
86773 |
September 11, 2020 |
Mienshao |
F |
ploo_ |
Devolved into Mienfoo
87081 |
September 14, 2020 |
Bagon |
F |
megapod |
Obtained with the Shiny Charm, evolved into Shelgon
87237 |
September 16, 2020 |
Bulbasaur (Rainbow Form) |
None |
danielcm |
87306 |
September 17, 2020 |
Azurill |
C |
Vulpix037#0537 |
87352 |
September 17, 2020 |
Delcatty |
F |
kingofsparta39 |
87367 |
September 17, 2020 |
Bulbasaur (Rainbow Form) |
None |
malshimada666 |
87401 |
September 17, 2020 |
Torchic |
C |
herbie.53 |
87419 |
September 17, 2020 |
Darumaka |
F |
danielcm |
Obtained with Shiny Charm, evolved into Darmanitan
87469 |
September 18, 2020 |
Ariados |
F |
malshimada666 |
87474 |
September 18, 2020 |
Armaldo |
F |
max1996 |
87497 |
September 18, 2020 |
Bulbasaur (Rainbow Form) |
None |
d3nkrai |
87499 |
September 18, 2020 |
Bulbasaur (Rainbow Form) |
None |
jlaplant |
87743 |
September 20, 2020 |
Ferroseed |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
88102 |
September 23, 2020 |
Tentacool |
F |
linktheheroofwinds |
Evolved into Tentacruel
88116 |
September 24, 2020 |
Carracosta |
F |
yash_sonbhurra |
88143 |
September 24, 2020 |
Kricketune |
F |
quasthecat |
88271 |
September 25, 2020 |
Tyrogue |
F |
max1996 |
88311 |
September 25, 2020 |
Lopunny |
F |
jlaplant |
88349 |
September 26, 2020 |
Goldeen |
F |
kingofsparta39 |
88540 |
September 28, 2020 |
Quagsire |
F |
max1996 |
??? |
September 29, 2020 |
??? |
??? |
??? |
??? |
This shiny is secret