Discord Name:
Trainer Since:
November 29th, 2018
Favorite Pokémon:
Pichu, Tepig, Eevee
First Catch:
[1890] Clefable
Collection Pokémon:
Pichu, Eevee
376/386 (as of August 19th)
Herbie is a veteran Tilia Trainer. He is willing to trade dupes, for an equal rarity Pokémon, the majority of the time. Although he has been less active recently, he strives to complete the recently released Generation 4.
Dex Completion
National |
376/386 |
Sinnoh Dex in Progress
Kanto |
150/151 |
Missing Mewtwo (Master Badge obtained)
Johto |
94/100 |
Missing all Legendary/Mythical Pokémon
Hoenn |
127/135 |
Missing all Legendary/Mythical Pokémon excluding Regice and Regirock
Sinnoh |
5/107 |
In Progress
Alola |
18/18 |
Completed January 5th, 2019
Unown |
1/28 |
No desire to complete
Magikarp |
1/32 |
No desire to complete
Pioneer Badge |
2 |
Received for having over 100 Kanto Pokémon species by [insert date here]. |
12/16/2018, 12/30/2018
Kanto Master Badge |
1 |
Received for completing the Kanto Dex (Mew and Mewtwo were borrowed). |
Notable Pokémon
Herbie has the following notable Pokémon:
001 |
Bulbasaur |
9461 |
Bulbagarden Form |
A Bulbagarden Form Bulbasaur
001 |
Bulbasaur |
36246 |
Photosynthesis Form |
A special form of Bulbasaur, given for answering a question asked by Doggo
025 |
Pikachu |
14000 |
Normal Form |
A Pikachu with the ID 14000
025 |
Pikachu |
15558 |
Hoenn Cap Form |
A unique Pikachu Cap Form
144 |
Articuno |
6344 |
N/A |
Articuno, a Legendary Pokémon
145 |
Zapdos |
7012 |
N/A |
Zapdos, a Legendary Pokémon
146 |
Moltres |
6992 |
N/A |
Moltres, a Legendary Pokémon
151 |
Mew |
9993 |
N/A |
Mew, a Mythical Pokémon
172 |
Pichu |
36122 |
Normal Form |
A shiny Pichu, given by Saphir for obtaining 52 Pichu
172 |
Pichu |
36123 |
Alola Form |
A shiny Pichu, given by Saphir for obtaining 52 Pichu
377 |
Regirock |
40267 |
N/A |
Regirock, a Legendary Pokémon (Gifted by Spyro)
378 |
Regice |
40301 |
N/A |
Regice, a Legendary Pokémon
481 |
Mespirit |
40637 |
N/A |
Mespirit, a Legendary Pokémon
Discoveries in Elaria
Herbie has discovered a total of 5 different Pokémon in the Elaria region.
Pichu Paradise
Pichu Paradise is a sanctuary for all Pichu. Currently, 54 Pichu reside in Pichu Paradise: 27 Normal Pichu, and 27 Alolan Pichu. A Pichu named Al, a shiny Normal Pichu named Ocho and a shiny Alolan Pichu named Nina serve as leaders among the Pichu.
Pichu Paradise is trying to name the Pichu housed here! Any name suggestions may be DMed to Herbie in the following format:
[Pichu ID]
[Name Suggestion]
Name suggestions can be inspired by anything as long as a reason is given, such as the OT, ID, Form, or the Pichu Paradise Index Number (PPI #) of the Pichu in the list below.
Please limit suggestions to one Pichu at a time.
Accepted names for Pichu can be seen below in the "Name" column. Please do not make suggestions for Pichu that already have an accepted name.
- Quasar_Catfish helped Herbie catch his first Pokémon when Herbie thought the spawned Pokémon, a Clefable, was a Clefairy.
- Herbie and Jamie inadvertently created the meme of 7551 after Jamie repeatedly offered the Pokémon in exchange for uncommon Pokémon.
- Herbie owns a Hoenn Cap Pikachu, a one-of-a-kind Pikachu form. The only other Pikachu wearing a cap is the Original Cap Pikachu, belonging to Quasar_Catfish.
- Herbie used to collect Voltorb and Electrode.
- Herbie at one point owned 2 Mew, and both were redeem codes given to him by other Tilia players. The second one was traded to MegaPod.
- Herbie has never expressed an interest in collecting Unown or Magikarp forms, and catches them only to trade to others. However, he did seek an Unown (J Form) in regards to him username, and eventually obtained one through a trade with Quasar_Catfish.