B, Best, FA, Fire
Tilia Trainer since:
November 15, 2018
Favorite Pokémon:
Teddiursa, Ursaring, Shaymin
Collection Pokémon:
Teddiursa, Ursaring
BTheBest5/Fire Hammer is a Tilia trainer that plays to have a good time. He lives in the Northeast region of the USA. He has an Associates in Photography, and is working on his Associates in Programming. He makes art every once in a while if he is motivated enough, however he loves to see other’s creations.
He is very generous and will trade most of his dupes in exchange for anything. He does not care about having his OT Pokémon. He prefers his Pokémon to have the OT of other trainers because he views them as a connection and bond to those trainers.
He collects Teddiursa and Ursaring. He also likes Noctowl, Larvitar, and Vibrava. He is currently saving his money for a Shaymin. His shiny Ursaring(9194), which he got from the awesome and amazing ht14, is his pride and joy, and is not a gummy bear.
His first Pokémon was Slowpoke (65), which is currently owned by Mal.
Pokémon he discovered are: