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Revision as of 00:43, 30 July 2019 by Brad (talk | contribs) (Fixed the trainer info box. The lack of the first four lines as well as the closing pipe and bracket caused the box to stretch across the page.)
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Trainer Info
Nickname: KinfofSparta39, KingofSparta, King, Sparta, KoS
Discord Name: KingofSparta39#4145
Trainer Since: November 30, 2018
Favorite Pokémon: Sharpedo, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Zorua, Zoroark, Larvesta, Volcarona
First Catch: Sandshrew (Normal Form) (2325)
Pokédex: 372/386

Hi! I am KingofSparta39, although you can just call me Sparta. I am a high school sophomore from Wisconsin. I play soccer and chess, and I also am part of my high school band, playing percussion, piano, and guitar.

In Tilia

  • If you need anything from my dex, just ask and I'll see if I can make it work (Although I sometimes get upset if people pester me)
  • I have completed the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn dexes (excluding some legends/mythicals)
  • I discovered Sharpedo, Whismur, and Huntail
  • I have 5 special event Pokémon , being Bulbagarden Form Bulbasaur, Detective Form Pikachu, Celebi, Mew, and Raikou.
  • Throughout my time as a trainer, I have caught 4 shinies, being Kangaskhan, Vaporeon, Machoke, and Staryu
