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At this point, it's a Red Dwarf Star, rather than a sun shaped rock
Trainer Info
Nickname: Neg, MRN17(or whatever shorthand amuses you)
Tilia Trainer since: September 2018(roughly)
Favorite Pokémon: Turtwig, all Grass types, Solrock
Collection Pokémon: Solrock, Scizor, Cacnea

Mr.Negative17(Formally known as Mr.Negative17-The Grass Type Guy#4554, but that's way to long to type) is a Tilia Trainer from Alaska. Mr.Negative studies Justice(Don't get him started) in college, hoping to use it when he graduates. Mr.Negative greatly enjoys the outdoors, and loves to grow various plants in his apartment, often to the annoyance of his girlfriend, Sparks(it "takes up too much space on the patio"). He also loves cooking, fixing/making things, and obviously Pokemon. Especially those of the Grass variety. Mr.Negative is an avid Pokemon Go player, and a Moderator for his hometown Discord, along with a Research discord focused on Shinies. He is teaching Parissong the ins and outs of the game(Paris is getting really good at it). He's a newer trainer, but has pretty quickly become a common trainer on Tilia. Mr.Negative, Parrissong, StrawberryJei, and Pika_pika42 have all become pretty good friends, and will help out anyone new to the game.

Mr.Negative Pokedex isn't complete yet, but does have a lot of Duplicate species he's happy to trade to any new trainer, or just to whomever wants them. He's not a very serious player, preferring to catch what he likes, and have fun with the other users. However, he does love grass types, and will catch every one he sees. He only has three of the event pokemon, the Legendary Birds of the Kanto Region. Mr.Negative hasn't discovered anything, but hopes to discover Turtwig and Shellos, in Gen 4.

Mr.Negative has had many collections, but currently collects Solrock, Scizor, and Cacnea, three of his favorite Pokemon. If there's an extra that needs a loving home, ping him, he'll take it.

Mr.Negative has no shinies.