Catching, Evo Candy (Sentret)
Discovered By:
Furret is a Pokémon introduced in Generation II (Johto).
It evolves from Sentret when given an Evo Candy. It is the final evolved form of Sentret.
There is a chance that Furret will be reverted into Sentret when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3.
Elarian Furret is a Dark/Fighting-type regional form of Furret, which appears in the Elaria region. It's the ringleader of the swarms of Elarian Sentret that ravage the streets of Elaria, using a sort of telepathy to send messages across an entire swarm in an instant. It's a ferocious beast, with accounts of trainers attempting to tame it typically ending rather poorly.
Other Forms[edit]