Riddler Rowlet
Revision as of 22:32, 16 May 2021 by KingofSparta39 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Riddler Rowlet Event''' was a contest that required users to solve twelve riddles that were given over the course of a few weeks. Each question was based on the Kanto t...")
The Riddler Rowlet Event was a contest that required users to solve twelve riddles that were given over the course of a few weeks. Each question was based on the Kanto through Hoenn games. All eight players who correctly answered eleven or twelve of the riddles received either an Entei or a Raikou, depending on their answer to the final riddle. The first player to answer all twelve correctly, being rainami_chan, received a shiny Raikou for their feat.
- [Pokémon Emerald] Every learnable move in the game has a base PP that is a multiple of five, except for me. What move am I? Answer: Sketch
- [Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal] A shiny Pokémon with Hidden Power can attack with my type. Since shininess depends on IVs, there are only two types that I can be. What two types can I be? Answer: Grass and Dragon
- [Pokemon Red/Blue] I am a Pokémon belonging to Professor Oak, but my voice is not normal. I make the cry of another Pokémon. What Pokémon do I make the cry of? Answer: Nidorina
- [Pokémon Gold/Silver] I am a Moon Ball, nice and round. I help you catch Pokémon that evolve with a Moon Stone... or, I should. Instead, I help you catch Pokémon that evolve with a different item. What item is that? Answer: Burn Heal
- [Pokémon Gold/Silver] I am a move that can poison my enemies. While Steel-type Pokémon should be immune, I can still poison them. What move am I? Answer: Twineedle
- [Pokémon Crystal] I am art hidden somewhere in Kanto, on the outside wall of a building. Most people probably haven't seen me before. If you find me, you deface me by adding something to me. What do you add to me? Answer: A Moustache
- [Pokémon Yellow] I am a Pokémon owned by your rival; in fact, I was his starter Pokémon! I used to be an Eevee, but have evolved since your rival got me in Oak's Lab. If you defeated my trainer in Oak's Lab and skipped fighting him on Route 22, what Pokémon am I? Answer: Flareon
- [Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal] I am the largest of them all; the biggest fish in the lake! The fishing guru nearby the lake wants to see the largest of my kind, but none are bigger than me! How large am I? Answer: 5'3"
- [Pokémon Red/Blue] I am a type combination, with one unique quality. Normal/Ghost and Ghost/Psychic don't have any weaknesses, but this is not quite my trait. Instead, no attack is super effective against me. What type combination am I? Answer: Water/Dragon
- [Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire] Say goodbye to DVs and hello to EVs! I am the number of EVs that a Pokémon has. It's not possible to have more EVs than me at any point in the game. What number am I? Answer: 765
- [Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire] I am a Pokémon, evolved from Wurmple. You're more likely to see me than the other evolution. Which evolution am I, or are both evolutions equally likely? Answer: Silcoon
- [Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen] I am a Pokémon who has an unused sprite. I am not able to transform or change my form. I do not resist Water-type attacks. What Pokémon am I? Answer: Entei or Raikou
- In these games, there are two moves that have 1 PP: Sketch and Struggle. However, Struggle is not a learnable move, so the answer to this riddle is Sketch.
- The requirements for a Pokémon to be shiny in Generation II was for it to have a Defense IV of 10, a Speed IV of 10, a Special IV of 10, and an Attack IV of 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, or 15. The type of Hidden Power is determined from the formula 4 * (ATK IV mod 4) + (DEF IV mod 4). Since ATK IV mod 4 is either 2 or 3 and DEF IV mod 4 must be 2, the only possible values for the type of Hidden Power are 10 and 14, which correspond to Grass and Dragon respectively.
- When beginning a new game, Professor Oak sends out a Nidorino as an example of one of the creatures this world is inhabited by. The cry that Nidorino makes is actually that of Nidorina, making Nidorina the answer for this riddle.
- In Generation I, the Moon Stone had an item index number of 0x0A (or ID 10). Item IDs were changed between generations and the Moon Stone's new index number was 0x08 (ID 8), but the code for the Moon Ball was looking at index 0x0A instead of 0x08. The Generation II item with index number 0x0A was the Burn Heal.
- In this generation, Steel-type Pokémon were immune to Poison-type attacks, negating any secondary effects caused by the move; these Pokémon were not immune to the Poison status condition. This means that a Steel-type Pokémon can only be poisoned if they are attacked with a non-Poison-type move that has a chance to poison the target, the only move of which is Twineedle.
- On the roof of Celadon Mansion, outside the stairwell, there is graffiti on the wall. If the player interacts with it, they will add a moustache to the wall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n77pwb_LP40
- In this game, the rival starts with Eevee as his starter. Eevee will evolve into a different evolution based on the outcome of your battle with him in Professor Oak's Lab and on Route 22. The outcomes are as follows: Jolteon, if the player wins both battles, Flareon, if the player wins the battle in Professor Oak's Lab and loses or skips the battle on Route 22, or Vaporeon, if the player loses the battle in Professor Oak's Lab. Since the riddle asks for which evolution appears if the player wins at Oak's Lab and skips the Route 22 battle, your rival's Eevee will evolve into Flareon.
- The largest Magikarp you can show the Lake of Rage fisherman is 5'3". For more information, watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdKsjk_8_Bo.
- Out of all type combinations in this Generation, only Normal/Ghost and Ghost/Psychic are not weak to any type. Since the question asks for a type combination that does not receive super effective damage, however, the chosen type is allowed to have a weakness. Of all type combinations, Water/Dragon is weak to only Dragon-type attacks, but the only Dragon-type attack in these games is Dragon Rage, which bypasses type checking and deals a set 40 damage to the target Pokémon. Therefore, there are no Dragon-type moves that can inflict super-effective damage, making Water/Dragon the desired type combination.
- The highest number of EVs a Pokémon can have outside of battle is 510, with a maximum of 255 in any given stat. However, 510 is not the highest number of EVs a Pokémon can obtain at any point in the game. If a Ditto or Mew has 255 HP EVs and transforms into a target who has 0 HP EVs but 510 total EVs, then the transformed Pokémon would have 765 EVs (255 + 510). In Generation VI and later, the EV cap per stat was reduced to 252, so the answer would be 762 in those generations.
- Wurmple's evolution into Silcoon or Cascoon is based on its 32-bit personality value; more specifically, the first 16 bits of the personality value. If this number, when converted to base 10, ends in a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, Wurmple will evolve into Silcoon; if it instead ends in 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, Wurmple evolves into Cascoon. Since a 16-bit number can range from 0 to 65535, there is a 32770/65536 chance for Wurmple to evolve into Silcoon and a 32766/65536 chance for Wurmple to evolve into Cascoon. Silcoon is 4/65536 or 0.0061% more likely to appear.
- There are 7 Pokémon that have an unused sprite in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen: Mew, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Celebi, Deoxys (Attack Forme), and Deoxys (Defense Forme). Since the Pokémon is not able to transform, as in use the move Transform, Mew cannot be the answer; although all seven Pokémon are able to learn Mimic through move tutor in these games, Mimic is not able to copy the move Transform. Since the Pokémon is not able to change forms, Deoxys cannot be the answer. Since the Pokémon does not resist Water-type attacks, Suicune and Celebi cannot be the answer. This leaves Raikou and Entei as the two possible answers to this riddle.
Player | Prize |
rainami_chan | ![]() |
.0.blarg.0. | ![]() |
danielcm | ![]() |
megapod | ![]() |
kingofsparta39 | ![]() |
bthebest5 | ![]() |
shielddoespixels | ![]() |
linktheheroofwinds | ![]() |