Catching, Evo Candy (Snover)
Discovered By:
Abomasnow is a Pokémon introduced in Generation IV (Sinnoh).
It evolves from Snover when given an Evo Candy. It is the final evolved form of Snover.
There is a chance that Abomasnow will be reverted into Snover when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3.
Discoverer's Dex Entry[edit]
When the first snow starts to fall, Abomasnow quickly gather outside to catch a glimpse and play around with it. However, they detest strong sunlights and will actively try to escape it by either hiding back in their caves or summoning a blizzard. The latter has been known to accidentally summon blizzards to areas otherwise unprepared for such phenomena.
Other forms[edit]