User:Yash Sonbhurra/Bulbasaur

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Bulbasaur #001
Rarity: Rare
Obtaining: Catching, Devolution Spray (Ivysaur), Starter Redeem Ticket: Bulbasaur
Discovered By: quasthecat

Bulbasaur is a Pokémon introduced in Generation I (Kanto). It has four forms: Normal, Elarian, Rainbow, and Photosynthesis.

Normal Form Bulbasaur is able to evolve into Ivysaur when given an Evo Candy. Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur when given an Evo Candy.

There is a chance that Ivysaur will be reverted into Bulbasaur when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3.

Its Normal Form can also be obtained by purchasing and redeeming the Starter Redeem Ticket: Bulbasaur (Normal Form).

Although Rainbow Form Bulbasaur was able to be obtained by purchasing and redeeming its Redeem Ticket, it is no longer able to be obtained.

Photosynthesis Form Bulbasaur were given away in August 2019 by J_P_ for answering the question, "What is the most worthless Pokémon in Tilia?" The final four Photosynthesis Form Bulbasaur were given to four trainers who made the best recolors of Lycanroc.

Elarian Bulbasaur is a newly discovered, Rock-type form of Bulbasaur, appearing in the Elaria Region. To hide from its predators, it moved to deep caves of Elaria. Due to lack of light, the plant on its back has died. In its place, a big, beautiful crystal emerged - the reason for this could be the change in this Pokémon's diet. In the darkness, it had to learn to rely on senses other than its sight. Because of this, Elarian Bulbasaur are now blind.


  • Due to their special status, Rainbow Form Bulbasaur and Photosynthesis Form Bulbasaur are unable to evolve. The Rainbow Form Bulbasaur, which was previously known as the Bulbagarden Form Bulbasaur, was also colloquially referred to as 'Bulbagardensaur' by the community: a portmanteau of 'Bulbagarden' and 'Bulbasaur.'
  • Bulbasaur is the Pokémon with the most shinies on Tilia, sitting at 16: 13 Rainbow, 2 Normal and 1 Elarian.
    • An additional shiny Rainbow Form Bulbasaur was once owned by KenderCharmeleon#5513, but was deleted.

Other forms