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Magmortar #467
Rarity: Rare
Obtaining: Catching, Trading (Magmar)
Discovered By: bananacupcake and malshimada666

Magmortar is a Pokémon introduced in Generation IV (Sinnoh).

It evolves from Magmar by trading. It is the final evolved form of Magby.

There is a chance that Magmortar will be reverted into Magmar when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3.

Discoverer's Dex Entry

They dwell in volcanic craters. According to what is known, a single pair of male and female Magmortar lives in one volcano. From its arm, it launches fireballs hotter than 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Its arm starts to melt when it fires a whole barrage. There are still quite a few factories that rely on the flames provided by Magmortar to process metals. Magmortar takes down its enemies by shooting fireballs, which burn them to a blackened crisp. It avoids this method when hunting prey.

Other forms