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Dusknoir #477
Rarity: Rare
Obtaining: Catching, Evo Candy (Dusclops)
Discovered By: _indub_ and parissong

Dusknoir is a Pokémon introduced in Generation IV (Sinnoh).

It evolves from Dusclops by trading. It is the final evolved form of Duskull.

There is a chance that Dusknoir will be reverted into Dusclops when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3 or an Everstone if it has evolved through trade.

Discoverer's Dex Entry

Dusknoir have been long heralded as guides of the dead. Many ancient texts depict the Pokémon as the bringer of spirits, frequently leaving offerings to appease it. This may be the reason why some Dusknoir are especially needy and clingy to their trainers.

Other forms