Hey, I'm Aux. I'm a 15 year old speedrunner who happens to not like publishing his runs. I started catching in Elaria on December 13, 2019. I live in Utah, United States, but I really like metric system and the alternate spellings for words like colour and flavour, so there's that. I'm also a moderator for the Bulbagarden Discord server, so if you happen to see me on either one, don't be afraid to talk to me since I'm generally a nice guy.
Apart from being on Discord, I'll usually be trying to beat my PB runs and nuzlockes. I tend to run the Pokémon games, but I've also done the 3D Mario Games and Wii Series games. I also play Club Penguin Online, the Super Smash Bros. series, and various games on Kongregate and Armor Games.
My first and only shiny is a Lileep (evolved it on March 11, 2020) I received from KenderCharmeleon in exchange for a Garchomp that no one was around for. I also discovered the Prism form Porygon, although I guess people tend not to acknowledge that.
And I guess that's it. Thanks for visiting, I guess.