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Sometimes, players like to collect many instances of a specific species of Pokémon. While the game has a limit placed on the number of Pokémon a player can catch, if they own two or more of that species and form, additional Pokémon can be acquired through trades or evolution. This article documents the Pokémon that various players collect.

As of right now, there is currently no benefit to collecting a large number of a single species. Historically, Quasar_Catfish and MegaPod got shiny Bulbasaur and shiny Metapod, respectively, for collecting 50 of those species.

Player Name Primary Collection Other Collections
Misty (JLaPlant#2178) Bellossom Gyarados, Starmie, Staryu
Paris (Parissong#7902) Ninetales, Corsola, Swablu Vulpix, Altaria
vmario97#2516 Sneasel -
BTheBest5#9609 Teddiursa, Ursaring Noctowl
Jagman53#5001 Pichu -
Brad (brad#8940) Magikarp, Porygon2 Mantine, Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja