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Celebi #251
Rarity: Event Only
Obtaining: Catching, GS Ball, Mythical Redeem Ticket: Celebi
Discovered By: _chillie_

Celebi is a Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation II (Johto).

It is not known to evolve from or into other Pokémon.

Celebi is forcespawned on rare occasions or during Poké Frenzies. It can also be obtained by purchasing and redeeming the Mythical Redeem Ticket: Celebi.


  • A shiny Celebi (ID:8121) was contained in the GS Ball. This was awarded to Chillie on December 23rd, 2018 (opened on January 16th, 2019), for being the first trainer to complete the Kanto Dex.
  • Celebi is the only EO (Event Only) Pokémon that can be caught.

Other forms