Tilia's Nursery

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Tilia's Nursery

Tilia's Nursery is a feature that allows players to breed two Pokémon together. In order to use the Nursery, players must buy a Nursery Card.

To deposit a Pokémon into the Nursery, the player can use the nurserydeposit command with the given Pokémon's ID. The Pokémon must have a class in order to breed; Manaphy is able to breed without having a class, but must be bred with Ditto.

Occasionally, if the two Pokémon in the Nursery share an egg group, or exactly one Pokémon is a Ditto, an egg will be found containing the lowest evolutionary stage, or child, of one of the Pokémon in the Nursery. If exactly one Pokémon is a Ditto, the egg will be the child of the non-Ditto Pokémon.

An egg can be found when the player claims their daily or when the player uses an Egg Incense. The following factors make it more likely for an egg to be found at the Nursery:

  • The player owns an Oval Charm
  • The two Pokémon share the same family
  • The two Pokémon have different Original Trainers
  • The lowest evolutionary stage of the two Pokémon are a low rarity
  • The first Pokémon has a high class
  • The second Pokémon has a high class
  • Neither Pokémon is a Ditto


ID Item Name Description How to Obtain
124 Nursery Card Grants access to the Nursery. Purchase for 1,000 Corda Buck
125 Oval Charm Increases the chance of finding an egg at the Nursery. Currently unobtainable
126 Egg Incense Grants an additional chance to discover an egg from the Nursery. Purchase for 300 Corda Buck
127 Hatching Incense Makes your eggs hatch a bit faster. Purchase for 300 Corda Buck


Command Function
nurserycheck Checks the status of your Pokémon currently in the Nursery's care and of any egg you own.
nurseryinfo [id] Checks which egg group(s) your Pokémon with ID [id] belongs to and whether it can breed with other Pokémon.
nurserydeposit [id] Leaves your Pokémon with ID [id] in the Nursery's care. This will cost 200 Corda Buck.
nurserywithdraw [id] Gets your Pokémon with ID [id] back from the Nursery. The deposit fee will not be refunded.