Difference between revisions of "User:TheMalevolentOne"

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Type Null Holo Rare Crimson Invasion.png|Holo
Type Null Holo Rare Crimson Invasion.png|Holo

Revision as of 13:24, 12 November 2019

Mal Silvally.png
Trainer Info
Nickname: Mal, The Malevolent One, Mally
Discord Name: The Malevolent One | Mal™#6267
Trainer Since: November 15, 2018
Favorite Pokémon: Lucario, Type: Null, Silvally, Entei, Lugia, Groudon, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, White And Black Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, Lunala, Dawn Wings Necrozma And Ultra Necrozma
Pokémon Collection: None
First Catch: Zapdos (25)
Pokédex: 372/386

About Me

I'm 16 years old. I like to draw fanart and OC's. I love to listen to music. Whatever you do Don't Piss Me Off Unless You Want To Get Yelled At/Get Your Feelings Hurt.

Malevolent Mix/Radio



Nickname: Mal, The Malevolent One

Personality: Malevolent, Chill, Sweet, Cunning, Manipulative, Ruthless and Sadistic.

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Weight: 160lbs

Height: 5'10

Eye Colors: Brown (Both)

History: As A Kid, He's Had A Pretty Normal Life Of Being Beat Up Due To His Malevolence. He Has Been In Juvenile. When He Ran The Place, People Feared Him and Sarah. Juvenile Is Where He Met Sarah And They've Been Friends Ever Since. Mal Secretly Has A Crush On Sarah, But He Knows Sarah Can Read His Mind Since She Was The One Who Separated Him From Mike And His Other Personalities. He Has His Own Body Separate From Mike And His Other Personalities. Sarah Found A Place For Him And Her To Stay. A Few Months Later, He Found Out Sarah Was Kidnapped And Went Around Finding Her. He Found Her Due To Her Recording. He Went Where She Was Recording From And Beat Her Ex BF Down, Taking Her Before He Did Any More Damage To Her.

Powers/Skills: Super Strength, Whistling, Manipulation

Crimes: Assault, Sabotage, Identity Theft, Attempted Murder, Destruction Of Personal Property.

Malevolent Mix/Radio


Nickname: The Rebellious Malevolent Lucario

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Race: Half Human/Half Demon or Artificial God

Sexuality: Bisexual/Polyamorous

Weight: 130lbs

Height: 5'2

Eye Color: Brown (Right), White/Gray (Left) (Half Blind)

Personality: Nice, iNSaNe, Malevolent, Chill, Sweet, Hateful, Crazy, Rebellious, Manipulative, Ruthless, and Sadistic.

Languages: English and Serbian (Curse Words Mostly)

History: Abandoned At The Age Of 3, Some Scientists Took Her In And Did Horrible Tests On Her. She Teleported Out Of The Labs At The Age Of 13 And Made Her Way To A Store To Get Some Clothing, However She Resorted To Stealing Rather Than Buying Clothes And Managing To Get Away With It. She Was Caught And Got Sent To Juvenile For Stealing And Met Mal. She And Mal Were The Most Feared In There. After 3 Years They Were Released And She Separated Mal From Mike And His Other Personalities. She Found A Place For Her And Mal To Stay As They Somehow Managed To Get Money To Rent An Apartment. A Few Months Later, Her Ex BF Came And Kidnapped Her, Slashing Her Eye To Where It's Blind And Her Ear A Bit. Mal Managed To Save Her From Getting Killed And Took His Ass Down, Taking Her Back Home.

Powers/Skills: Flight, Teleportation, Super Strength, Summoning Weapons, Invisibility, Fusion, Shape Shifting, Healing, Reviving, Breathes Anything, Flame, Telepathy, Portal Traveling, Genderbending, and Controlling People.

Crimes: Assault, Sabotage, Attempted Murder, Destruction Of Personal Property, Stealing.

Disorders: Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, and OCD

Malevolent Mix/Radio



Gender: Male

Age: 21

Race: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual



Eye Color: Brown

Personality: Nice, Chill, Sweet, and Manipulative.

Languages: English


Powers/Skills: Super Strength, Whistling, Manipulation

Gray Fullbuster

Nickname: Gray

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Weight: 163lbs

Height: 5'10

Eye Color: Dark Blue (Both)

Personality: Laid-Back, But Serious When Time Calls For It.

Languages: English and Japanese

History: Gray Fullbuster lived in a village north of fiore. The village was attacked by one of Zeref's demon's known as Deliora. This event robbed Gray and his friend Lyon of their parents. The two were taken in by a amazing ice make wizard Ur. She taught the two Ice Make until the day came where she sacrificed her self to save Gray and kill Deliora. After that Gray soon joined the Fairy Tail guild. The rest, well, you know.

Powers/Skills: Ice-Make, Ice Magic, Ice Devil Slayer Magic, Unison Raid, Expert Weapons Specialist, Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Agility, and Enhanced Strength.

Gray Fullbuster Fairy Tail

TCG Items I Own

TCG Coins

TCG Deck

Legendary Cards

Other Cards

Teams (USUM)

Doubles OU

Evil Team


Steel Gym

Dark Gym

Fire Gym

Favorite Music And Remixes

Pokémon Sword/Shield: Battle! VS Zacian & Zamazenta (Fanmade) / Emdasche by Emdasche

Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon: Battle! VS Zeraora (Fanmade) by Emdasche

Battle! Ultra Necrozma WITH LYRICS - Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Cover by Juno Songs

Ultra Necrozma Battle Remix by GlitchxCity

Pokemon USUM Gen 5 Devamp - Battle! Vs Ultra Necrozma by Hnturs12

Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon - Battle! Ultra Necrozma (Final Fantasy 6 Arr.) by Parabeetle X

Pokémon Sun/Moon - Legendary Showdown! Vs. Lunala (Fanmade) by Emdasche

Pokémon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon: Battle! VS Yveltal (Fanmade) by Emdasche

Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle! Ultra Reshiram & Zekrom (Remix) by PokéMixr92-

Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle! Ultra Dialga/Palkia (Remix) by PokéMixr92

Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle! Ultra Groudon/Kyogre (Remix) by PokéMixr92

Pokemon UltraSun & UltraMoon - Battle! Mewtwo Music (HQ) by Pokeli

Pokémon X and Y: Legendary Battle Remix by GlitchxCity

Pokemon Cinematic Remix 4: Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem by Mixeli

Pokemon B/W - Battle! Reshiram / Zekrom (SNES Arrangement) by Parabeetle X

Pokemon Black and White Music - Frozen Boundary! VS. Kyurem

Pokemon Black and White Music - Electrifying Black Yin! VS. Zekrom

Pokemon Black and White Music - Blazing White Yang! VS. Reshiram

Pokemon Black/2/White/2 - Legendary Pokemon (SNES) by Parabeetle X

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl - Giratina Battle Theme Remix {Mashup}

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers (of Time) - Dialga's Fight to the Finish! (SNES Arr.) by Parabeetle X

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Dialga's Fight to the Finish

Pokémon B2/W2 - Battle! Neo Team Plasma Extended HD by Pokeli

Pokemon Musical Bytes - Vs. Guzma - Man on the Internet by Man on the Internet

Battle! (Gladion) WITH LYRICS - Pokémon Sun & Moon/Super Smash Bros Ultimate Cover by Juno Songs

Battle! (Lorekeeper Zinnia) WITH LYRICS - Pokémon ORAS/Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cover by Juno Songs

Pokemon Musical Bytes - Vs. Cynthia - Man on the Internet

Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire - Battle! Wally Music (HQ)

Battle! Team Flare Boss Lysandre (Pokémon XY OST)

GTS Pokémon XY/ORAS and SMUSUM Music Extended HD

Mystery Gift Pokémon XY/ORAS and SMUSUM Music Extended HD

GTS Pokémon BWB2W2 Music

Mystery Gift Pokémon BWB2W2 Music

GTS Pokémon DPPt/HGSS Music Extended HD

Mystery Gift Pokémon DPPt/HGSS Music Extended HD

Pokemon Champion Gold Epic Remix by Mixeli

Deltarune - Rude Buster (Pokemon B2W2 Arrangement) by Parabeetle X

GRAY FULLBUSTER RAP | "Freeze" | RUSTAGE ft Divide Music [Fairy Tail] by Rustage

Malevolent Mix/Radio

Videos I Find Hilarious

Legendary & Mythical Pokemon Battle Royale ANIMATED

Realistic Wolf Animation


If you want to trade or battle with me on ORAS or USUM.

FC 1: 1994-3048-9663

FC 2: 2423-8678-1524

If you want to find me on Minecraft.

Minecraft: https://namemc.com/profile/TheMalevolentOne.2

If you want to play with me on PS4.

PS4 Username: MalevolentOne16

If you want to play with me on Steam.



Type Null.gif