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Pachirisu #417
Rarity: Rare
Obtaining: Catching
Discovered By: audrawr.

Pachirisu is a Pokémon introduced in Generation IV (Sinnoh).

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Dex Entry[edit]

Pachirisu, known as the EleSquirrel Pokémon, can be found in forests in the Elaria region. It was initially discovered in the early morning hours, but it is possible to find it at other times of day as well. This squirrel-like Pokémon is known to produce fur balls, which it then uses to store food to hide in tree trunks. Foragers beware, these fur balls are not your ordinary fur ball; they are electrically charged to prevent anyone from taking Pachirisu's food.

Other Forms[edit]