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Charmeleon #005
Rarity: Super Rare
Obtaining: Catching, Evo Candy (Charmander), Devolution Spray (Charizard)
Discovered By: AK-duck#4327

Charmeleon is a Pokémon introduced in Generation I (Kanto).

It evolves from Charmander when given an Evo Candy. It evolves into Charizard when given an Evo Candy.

There is a chance that Charizard will be reverted into Charmeleon when exposed to a Devolution Spray KC-MK1, Devolution Spray KC-MK2, or Devolution Spray KC-MK3. Similarly, a Devolution Spray can be used on Charmeleon for a chance of it reverting into Charmander.

Elarian Charmeleon is a newly discovered, Fire/Ghost-type form of Charmeleon, appearing in the Elaria Region. It has merged with Gastly completely. Its floating arms are connected to the body by a weird, gas-like substance. This allows Charmeleon to reach its prey from very long distances without making much noise.


There is a running joke between Tilia Trainers that you "win the game" if you catch a Charmeleon. Every catch after would be post-game. This is likely due to KenderCharmeleon#5513 being a fantastic Tilia Mod, so to catch him would be the ultimate goal.

Other forms[edit]